

Problems Solved by the Complex BIMgram:

– Problems of quality control of construction; technical supervision of the customer; monitoring, visualization;

– Reduce time – increase productivity and reduce work time;

– Reduction of financial costs;

– Solving the problems of planning and staging;

– Solution of the problems of non-conformity and errors in the construction process;

– Problems of ineffective communication of process participants;

Automation of analysis of construction process:

– Photoreview of the construction object;

– Uploading photos to the BIMgram platform;

– Obtaining an analytical report on the work performed at a given point in time;

– Updating of the construction schedule taking into account the works actually performed;

– Analytical report on construction defects;

– Visual presentation of information on the 3D (BIM) model.

Additional platform features:

– Communication with participants of the construction process in real time (online-chat, e-mail, video communication);

– The ability to provide access to the results of the analysis, or part of it for the participants in the construction process;

– Confirming the reliability of data using blockchain technology;

– Storage of received data in the chronological register, the possibility of constructing performance graphs at a certain time interval;

– Forecasting the situation by the given parameters of the construction process;

The classical process:

The process using the BIMgram platform:

Advantages over the existing implementation approach:

****Automation of actions at the stage of analysis and control. We complement the human engineering analysis with the machine-algorithmic*;


– Reduction of processing time;

– Absence of the need for highly skilled engineering personnel for analysis and reporting.

****The simplest interface of the BIMgram platform will be designed for a wide range of users, which will have a positive impact on the “transparency” of the construction and installation works, will enable all participants to access the current state of production. The video module – photographs (plan-fact comparison) for construction workers, a data output module for investors and balance-holders that do not have special engineering or technical skills.

* machine-algorithmic – automatic comparison of actual data about the object with the model. Unload of the revealed deviations in the report on the basis of quantitative and qualitative indicators (deviations, defects in mm, backlog from the construction and installation works schedule, adjustment of receipts of materials and equipment).

The interface of the worker who produces photography

End-user interface

Platform development includes:

Analysis of the market of innovative software, selection of the best software in the following areas:

– Software for photogrammetric survey 360;

– Software for geolocation and chronological tracking of shooting different parts of the same object and location of photographic materials in the necessary order to create a correct cloud of points or grid;

– software for converting photos into a cloud of points or a grid;

– Software for converting a cloud of points (grid) into a geometric 3D model;

– Software for converting a 3D model into a BIM model;

It is necessary to study the approach to the implementation of this task, at the moment there are 2 solutions:

• QR code removal for each item on the construction site;

• Comparison of a real 3D model with a design BIM model Identification of the same type elements by a geostationary feature and transfer of properties from the project BIM model to the current 3D model.

– software that performs a comparative analysis of 2 BIM models;

– Cloud graphics processor to host our comprehensive platform and its fast operation.

Define the parameters for developing the missing software, in particular:

– Providing comparative analysis in the form convenient for the consumer;

– Software for converting a 3D model into a BIM model;

– Bundle between all the above software, which will automatically transfer the results from one software to another for the continuity of the chain of processes.

Calculations of the performance of the BIMgram platform. Analysis of the relevance of the application in comparison with the classical methods of solving the issue of the analysts of the current construction process.

Estimated estimates of the cost of the platform for the end user.

Drawing up a business plan, calculating the payback, time costs, determining the potential of the user market.

Conclusions, adjustment of the work plan.

Beginning of work.

* It is assumed that BIMgram will use already existing software, which will shorten the time to “invent a bicycle”.

Our work will consist in finalizing some software (if possible) and organizing automatic communication of their work.

Purpose: The desire to exclude maximum human action in the process of analysis of the construction process. Preventing unreliable information from reaching the end customer due to the human factor (mistakes in the preparation of documents, bribery of officials, theft).

Convenience and speed of providing and receiving models and analytical data.